Assets in all corners of your estate - Wirepas

Assets in all corners of your estate

All companies have assets that they need to keep tabs on. The assets that are considered meaningful for the business differ from company to company. In some companies, the most important assets can be furniture or IT equipment. In hospitals, the biggest need is to know the location of your life-saving devices, like defibrillators. These are indoor use cases that many technologies can serve, but what happens when the environment is more demanding?

The technology needs to work also when you are working:

  • in cold storage, outdoors, warehouses, distribution centers

  • in environments where there are a lot of obstacles, such as metal and concrete

  • where the asset density and scale grow up to hundreds of thousands or even millions, and you still need to maintain a battery-operated infrastructure and asset tagging for data collection?


“Where is it”? Is a very common question among production workers. Often not only materials but tools and equipment are lost or misplaced, and this slows down production. In those cases, the employee’s time is not spent working- it’s spent searching. If every employee spends just half an hour per day looking for the tool or part they need, it can add up to thousands of hours wasted per year

Knowing the location of the assets speeds up production and keeps the employees working and the efficiency in the production higher. Gathering the data automatically ensures that there will be no mistakes in signing the asset into or out of a location. The data of the location flows automatically via a mesh network to a backend system. This can then be visualized in a web-based or a local client for any employee or foreman to keep tabs on.

“Did I get the right part”? Sometimes parts of a machine all look the same, apart from a millimeter difference here or there. If an employee accidentally chooses the wrong part, it can cause thousands of euros/dollars in losses in production time and scrapped materials and products before the mistake gets noticed. In addition, changing the wrong part to the new one and reconfiguring the machine will take time. Explaining the delay to the customers waiting for their products can be painful.

Wirepas Mesh is entirely bi-directional, and this feature enables commands from the backend system to the tags on the assets, e.g., lighting an LED light on a tag. This can be used to guide employees to choose the right part or tool for a machine and ensure that losses will be reduced for wrongly produced products.

With the data, alarms can be created. The system can alert the supervisors whenever there is coagulation or when an asset is, e.g., in the wrong place. They can then check the situation and react accordingly before it develops into a bigger issue.

Finding the right vehicle or a free parking spot might be challenging when considering enormous car parks, e.g., in customs or car dealerships. In these cases, location data is essential for efficient business. When a car is transferred to the wrong place, an alarm should be sounded. For example, a misplaced car just before releasing a vehicle to a customer out from the car park can cause difficulties. Making sure the flow of vehicles to customers is fluent and no bottlenecks in the work occur is just good business.


The system must work even when the number of assets scales up to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions. The massive Internet of Things connects many assets in one network without needing extra cabling or power sources. Having everything battery operated and the ability to grow the network as the system evolves demands a flexible mesh. Wirepas Mesh can also cope with a high density of assets in a small area.

Pivotal in maintaining a sustainable process in the long run requires:

1. Seeing all the assets on a map

2. Being able to zoom into them on a map view

3. Being able to search for an asset by their assigned ID, no matter the amount or density of assets.


Whether you need to ensure,

1. your employees use their time in productive work instead of searching for products, parts, tools, equipment, furniture, or material when they can see where the assets are

2. the products coming out of the production line are of pristine condition and quality

3. there are no more bottlenecks in the production or the process

4. the foremen and employees receive alarms if assets are not where they are not supposed to be. Make sure that the system you use is reliable and will withstand the requirements you set for it.

Automation will reduce human errors and time spent on unproductive tasks and can improve your processes saving euros and dollars, which can then be better spent on further investments to improve your business.

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