We are at SIDO Lyon 18-19 September 2024 - Wirepas


Smart Building Hero
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Smart Building Hero
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We are at Sido Lyon, September 18-19

Meet us at SIDO Lyon - Europe's leading IoT, AI, Robotic, and XR event. Come talk to us about very very good IoT. We make failure-free connectivity accessible to companies of all shapes and sizes. Our technology is designed to support a wide range of applications, from smart meters and buildings to asset tracking. We have also been the main contributor to the first non-cellular 5G standard for IoT. We’re bringing some friends too. This year we are happy to introduce you to our partners Akensys, INGY, RFID Discovery and Cthings.co Our partner booth at SIDO will showcase innovative solutions and implementations of our technology. We're glad to discuss more at SIDO Lyon. Visit our village. We’re all at the same address: booth #E210

All you need to know

  • When: September 18-19

  • Where: Lyon Convention Center, booth #E210

  • Wirepas staff on site: Eden Suire (book a meeting), Oula Välipakka (Book a meeting)

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