Get a license - Wirepas

Wirepas Licensing Options

A simple license. No catches. Whatever your need. Our three licenses, Enterprise license, Professional license and Positioning Tools license, all comprise of a monthly fee including support and maintenance. And a perpetual one-time royalty fee per installed device.


Wirepas Mesh Enterprise License

For Enterprise Customers looking to develop an enterprise grade IoT solution leveraging the Wirepas Connectivity Suite. In addition to Wirepas Mesh Professional License, this license includes enterprise level support, dedicated technical contact and service level agreement.​ Early access to the Wirepas roadmap and beta releases are included as well.

Wirepas Mesh Professional License

For Customers looking to develop an IoT solution leveraging the Wirepas Connectivity Suite. ​ You get access to one Connectivity Suite Profile and development tools, including the Wirepas Network Tool and open-source gateway components. This license gives you also the rights to manufacture devices and includes standard support and maintenance.

Wirepas Positioning Tools License

For Customers looking to integrate Wirepas Positioning system and leverage tags and anchors from Wirepas ecosystem partners. You get access to Wirepas Positioning Engine and development tools, including the Wirepas Network Tool and open-source gateway components. Standard support and maintenance included.

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