An amazing opportunity for a student like me - Wirepas

An amazing opportunity for a student like me

Miika Röyskö

When I started looking for internships in the beginning of 2021, I saw an open position for a “Sales and marketing intern”. I was just finishing my second year of International Business studies specializing in Marketing and E-commerce. I went to LinkedIn to see if I could find a place for my practical training or a job for the summer, but I found something much better.

The first open position that I saw was Wirepas and once I read through it, I knew it was the only one I needed. Marketing, social media, sales, part-time hours, growing with the company, and super interesting technology! I thought to myself “there is no need for plan B”. I put all my focus into the application process and every step of the way just made me more and more sure that I made the right move. The tasks were super interesting and once I got to the interview, I felt confident in saying that this is exactly what I want.

After almost six months, I can say that the confidence paid off. I get to work with great people doing interesting tasks involving everything from sales related automation to video production for the marketing team. I can freely organize my work around my studies and work remotely while also completing my practical training credits and earning money. Wirepas is the perfect opportunity for me to kickstart my career and grow with the company!

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