We are at Enlit Asia 8-10 October 2024 - Wirepas

Enlit Asia 2024


We are at Enlit Asia 8-10 October 2024

Connecting smart meters requires ultra-reliable, scalable and affordable connectivity. That's what we offer. On a massive scale. Our partners have deployed over 5 million smart meters using Wirepas mesh technology. The biggest deployment is a network of more than one million devices in one single network. You read it right. One. Single. Network. With an SLA of 99.9%. Easy to roll out with minimal network planning, no heavy infrastructure. Update your device software over the air. The network is autonomous and self-healing, unlike PLC. We've made many device manufacturers become shiny solution providers. You can be the next. We know how to help you win tenders. Come meet us at Enlit Asia, booth # AF19. If you want to pre-book a meeting, keep scrolling for the instructions.

Here's your opportunity to meet us

Smart electricity metering

Mesh technology to develop your meter reading solution? Data flows in real-time at any scale and density. Stretch your smart metering network as you need with minimal planning and maintenance. It never fails. Millions of smart meters already deployed in the Nordics and India. Field-proven with 99.9% reliability. Only with Wirepas.

Smart Metering scene.png
Smart Metering scene.png

latest and greatest in rf mesh

Creating a network may get costly and complicated. With the Wirepas Connectivity Suite, you get a whole new viewpoint. A Wirepas network comes from a different direction. There’s no need to build an extensive infrastructure. Instead, the meters themselves create the main infrastructure. This means lower investments, installations, and operational costs—no network configurations. The Wirepas Connectivity Suite automatically takes care of the network provisioning. The self-healing network adapts and configures itself on the fly, autonomously. For example, messages are automatically re-routed if a meter fails, and the communication load is rebalanced.


Let's connect

I'm Jani from Wirepas. My job is to remove the complexity of the wireless. I've worked closely with smart metering partners to succeed in the Nordics and Indian markets. Do not hesitate to contact me directly. Your contact will be the start of a successful journey together!

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