Wirepas becomes a member of the DLMS User Association - Wirepas

Wirepas becomes a member of the DLMS User Association

We’re very very happy to tell you we’ve become full members of the DLMS User Association. The DLMS User Association is a non-profit organization that supports interoperability and secure data exchange to promote strategic energy and water management. With over 300 members worldwide, they are the leading voice in smart metering and smart grids. 

By joining the association, we aim to increase our visibility in the smart metering market. One of our main objectives is to certify the DECT NR+ standard for DLMS use. This should lower the threshold for all utilities and smart metering companies to adopt NR+.  

The DLMS User Association and Wirepas will collaborate to define a reliable and secure way to support the DLMS protocol over NR+ mesh networks. A new profile is key to providing reliability and interoperability in future implementations of DLMS over NR+ and mixed networks, for example, DLMS over the cellular. 

The DLMS UA strives to accelerate the adoption of global open standards in the IoT and strategic energy and water sectors,  and as membership continues to grow at a steady pace, the combined efforts of our existing and new members will drive new interoperability initiatives and innovations through standardization leveraging the latest state of the art communication technologies.” Sergio Lazzarotto, President & Executive Director, DLMS UA

“DLMS has become the de-facto standard in smart metering and truly secures interoperability between the meters. The mesh is undoubtedly proven to be an excellent fit for electricity smart metering rollouts in the US, Japan, Australia, and Nordic countries. NR+ is the next generation mesh and the first time on par with communication reliability and security with cellular. We are big believers in standards and keep innovating on those. We made a major contribution to the NR+ standard, and now we want to secure the maximum amount of utilities across the globe that will have access to the most advanced mesh technology through DLMS.” says Jani Vehkalahti, the VP of Smart Grids at Wirepas. 

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