Our story - Wirepas

Straight outta Tampere

University of Tampere is where it started, everything that later was to become Wirepas. More than 20 years ago. With some youngsters thinking about building something new and challenging something old: A sustainable IoT network for industrial-scale deployments. Read our full story, get to know our humble mission, and meet mom. She’ll tell you why mobile masts are old school. And why Wirepas is the best mesh for IoT.

We're on a mission

To set a new standard in IoT. We believe in infinitely scalable connectivity software that never fails. We concentrate on massive-scale industrial applications. We think it should be affordable. And badassable. That’s our mission. We hope you like it. We already created the first non-cellular 5G IoT in the world – the NR+ (previously DECT -2020 NR). With its dedicated license-exempt global frequency band at around 1900 MHz, NR+ offers coverage anywhere in the world. We won’t stop there.

NRplus cream.png
NRplus cream.png

We hold ourselves up to high standards

We're ISO9001 certified. Also, our environmental management system is certified to ISO 14001 by Bureau Veritas. You can head to Upright Platform to see our net impact as a company. We're not perfect, but we're always looking for ways to improve. And show our commitment.


Meet Mom

Sometimes it’s difficult to brag. Even if you made the first non-cellular 5G IoT in the world. So we are happy to have Mom. She is our spokesperson. She will brag for us. Mom will share her mom wisdom and explain important stuff. Like why mobile masts are old school. Why it’s important to work hard and get shit done. And why Wirepas is the best mesh for IoT.


Join us

We challenge, we innovate, and we get shit done. If you want to save the world from bad IoT, you should join our club.

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