Wirepas Partner Program
We are a software company. We provide a comprehensive connectivity suite for affordable massive IoT deployments. Our partners integrate it into their hardware products and solutions for end customers. The choice is yours: build your own solution on top of the Wirepas Connectivity Suite or directly acquire a product from our ecosystem. This is what we call your "Make or Get" journey. The IoT market is a bit of a mess, and we are to sweep you off your feet.
Let's see what we can do for you
Make: a helping hand for developers
Need sample code or guidance for development? Click here to find them. Our ticketing system also lives here.
Wirepas Developer Portal
Get: find the partner and product you need from the Wirepas ecosystem
Browse the list of our partners and their Wirepas-enabled products.
Wirepas Partner Products
Market with Wirepas
A whole new way to do marketing. Just ask Mom! Very very good marketing.
Marcomms Team
Wirepas sales guide
Intangible Wirepas products may be challenging. Selling them forward doesn’t have to be. This page is your guide to help you sell Wirepas.
Sales Guide
Partner News
We root for everyone! For everyone’s business and success. Here you can find the latest and greatest from our partners.