Open source APIs - Wirepas

Wirepas open source APIs

A complete IoT project requires integration at different layers: inside the device, at the gateway level, and at the cloud level. Wirepas Connectivity Suite offers end-to-end services from device to cloud together with associated APIs. All are open-source and available from GitHub.

Here are some details about our crucial APIs:

  • Device-level: We offer API to integrate your device software easily. In a single MCU architecture where both your application and Wirepas Connectivity stack will run on the same MCU or with a Dual MCU architecture where your application runs onto another MCU. In any case, the provided API is the same regardless of the profile or the chipset vendor in use.

  • Gateway to cloud level: Our gateway to cloud API based on MQTT allows you to manage all the data exchanges in both directions and other services available from the Connectivity Suite (i.e. OTAP, provisioning). Need to add some treatment inside the gateway? Our modular gateway drivers will enable it.

  • Backend level: Our backend offers a set of APIs for other services like monitoring, positioning, and OTAP so that you can smoothly integrate the backend data to your end-user application.

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